Sunday, May 22, 2011

Day 138 ~ Down 8.8 lbs!

I'm now 270 lbs.  68 lbs are gone. My bp was 114/61 (yay!).

The craft class went well... I'm knackered... hopefully I'll have some time to post more this week.


Anonymous said...

So happy that you are hanging in there and I still feel bad about not calling last Saturday. Hope you have your food check in mail today, Thursday. MORE LATER

Baroness Insomniac said...

Congratulations! =)) I'm so pleased for you!! The blood pressure is a wee bit low on the bottom eh? When mine does that the doc yells (well it seems like yelling to me) for me to drink more water. (But I don't want to... ;-) ) You go girl! You are such an inspiration to me and I thank you for that. Love ya!!