Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Don't Know What to Say (song) bought some music on iTunes recently... "Liv On" is the collaborative album with Olivia Newton John, Amy Sky & one of my favorite artists, Beth Nielsen Chapman. This song, "Don't Know What to Say" expressed beautifully how awkward it is when grief hits.

You don't know what to say
You don't know what to do
When life delivers this
The right words don't exist
The fault is not with you
Now everybody's come
My loved ones file by
I stand here feeling numb
while family and friends
Hug me as they cry
There is no language for this loss
Grief is a bridge that can't be crossed
Until you've felt someone you love slipping away
You don't know what to say
Now so much time has passed
For me it's standing still
and way too soon they'll ask
That I stop looking back
I hope someday I will
Thanks for being here
And listening to me
And letting me be sad
And letting me be mad
Just letting me be
There is no language for this loss
Grief is a bridge that can't be crossed
Until you've felt someone you love slipping away
You don't know what to say
Just know that it's okay
Love's the only way
When you don't know what to say

And here's the song:

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