Discussing with a friend a current situation that is happening between myself and a very close member of my family, she said her husband calls family the other "F" word. That made me laugh. But this situation in which I find myself is anything but funny.
I'm not going to publish what I started writing about the situation that is happening that made me write the title of this post.
If you pray, please pray. If you send good vibes, please send those.
I hate that this is the second post of 2023. There's been some great things happening, but when I received the text on 1/15/2023 that started this, the big dark cloud came and hasn't really left.
"Nothing I say will change it." ~ wise words from my colleague.
I cannot control what someone else understands.
"God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference."
This makes more and more sense as I get older.