Wednesday, September 15, 2021

The Social Dilemma

 If you haven't watched it. It's educational and eye-opening.

Here's the trailer. At 1:45... blows the mind.

I've been threatening to blog (write) more. And read more. I used to read so much! Before I was married I had such better habits (!). It isn't himself's fault, I'm not blaming him. My lack of better habits has totally been because of the choices I made.

It's time to re-claim those better habits... to read before going to sleep. To just read.

To write more. I love writing. I write well. 

Blogs were "it" before Facebook... one of my favorite blogs was "Rocks in My Dryer." I met a Facebook friend, whom I've never ever met IRL, because I loved reading her blog - oh my gosh she was so funny. She took her blog down, she got too many 'hate comments' which, if I'm honest, I struggle to understand just how mean and cruel people can be. I mean, I understand the anonymity which brings out false bravado (writing things you'd never say to someone to their face) but you know, #MeanPeopleSuck - full stop. 

And that was before FB got so popular and most people's understanding of 'trolls' was linked to the bad guys giving the goat trouble under the bridge. 

She lives closer to me now, and I hope that some day, if/when I drive through southern California on my way to my happy place(s) that we can meet up over an In Real Life coffee or, in cooler weather, an adult beverage and just hang out.

I have promised myself... and even dedicated a time in my google calendar when I will publish a blog post. Right now it is slated for Wednesdays and one more day of the week - my goal is to publish a new writing twice a week.  Maybe I will just start kinda slowly... publish once a week is a good goal. Let's just get this one new habit established.

*Hey! I just realized that this is Wednesday! *cue applause!

Bring it in, er, home... my point. 

Read More. Scroll Less.

Write More. Watch Less.

Spend less time scrolling, liking, distracting myself with Facebook (lol, remember when My Space was 'it' and we called it "My Face"? That memory just made me smile), and picking up a fun book (novel/fiction such as Jan Karon's "To be Where You Are") and also an educational/Personal Growth & development book (currently trying to finish the super easy but awesome read "2 Chairs" by Bob Beaudine).

I have Side Hustle Dreams... so many things to write about and read about and share!

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