"Begin with the End in Mind means to begin each day, task, or project with a clear vision of your desired direction and destination, and then continue by flexing your proactive muscles to make things happen. One of the best ways to incorporate Habit 2 into your life is to develop a Personal Mission Statement."
Right now the Personal Mission Statement is too much to think about... but I CAN
Focus (!) on the thought before every decision... 'Will this help me gain HEALTH?' The answer may not be clear-cut ("Should I be President of the Arizona Choral Arts Association?" The answer isn't a black or white answer... will it detract me from health? Mmmmmm....maybe not directly. Will it enhance my health? Perhaps...)
Yes, HEALTH is my 2021 Word. Theme. Thesis. Over-riding motif, if you will.
Physical Health is Priority Numero Uno #1. To regain energy and then to retain it.
Ten years ago Monday, January 4th, 2011; I started my 100-lb weight loss year with Medifast (now Optavia) meal-replacement program. That year showed me I can do it.
I lost 20-ish pounds this summer over 3 months doing Optavia again, trying to give myself some space as I was developing a new habit of early rising. This past summer showed me I can still do it, but it's different 10 years older.
This year (this lifetime) I'll be following a Whole Food Plant Based No Oil (WFPBNO) WOL (Way of Life) Lifestyle. I'll do 70 days (according to James Clear, author of Atomic Habits; it takes 66 days to create/form a new habit. And some scientific studies have shown that it can take longer; one study showed it took from 19 to 254 days for folks to form a new habit). After 70 days of getting started, I'll plan and schedule a "cheat day" every 6 - 8 weeks.
It's about Health. Not Rules.
“Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.” ~ Michael Pollan
The Folks that have convinced me that Plant Based is the way to go (besides knowing how much better I feel when I stick with plants only...) are here via TedTalks;
Dr. Michael Gregor - How Not to Die, How Not to Diet *his YouTube Channel Nutrition Facts is AWESOME!
Dr. John McDougall - The Starch Solution
Dr. Joel Furhman - Eat to Live, Eat for Health
Dr. Michael Klaper - Vegan Nutrition: Pure and Simple (out of print, apparently)
Dr. Neal Barnard - Your Body in Balance, The Vegan Starter Kit
Dr. Garth Davis (not a TedTalk, but approximately 13 minutes via The Real Truth About Health) - ProteinAholic
Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn - Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease, Forks Over Knives
(documentary where I started)
Dr. T Colin Campbell - The China Study, Forks Over Knives
Dr. Dean Ornish - Undo It!: How Simple Lifestyle Changes Can Reverse Most Chronic Diseases, The Spectrum: A Scientifically Proven Program to Fell Better, Live Longer, Lose Weight, and Gain Health
*2007 TedTalk in Monterey*
Michael Pollan (Not a TedTalk, a 59 minute presentation via UCTV) - The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals, In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto
Dr. Dean & Dr. Ayesha Sherzai (not via TedTalk, a 17 minute presentation via The Real Truth About Health) - The Alzheimer's Solution: A Breakthrough Program to Prevent and Reverse the Symptoms of Cognitive Decline at Every Age
Last but not least... Plant Pure Nation (Documentary) - T Colin Campbell with his son Nelson Campbell
So, Drs. Dean & Ayesha's focus on brain health is a very convenient seque:
Mental Health is Priority Number 2. To stay away from energy vampires, lessen contact with those folks who are not 'my people' and to keep putting the "good stuff" in (in my brain and my body). In my real estate coaching program, Mindset, Motivation and Methodology is how it works. I've been "formally" working on Mindset for a year, but really, I've been interested in 'changing your mind' since college-age years.
Spiritual Health is numerically 3, but it really will start and end my day. 20 minutes of prayer, 10 minutes of meditation or praise music in the morning. 10 minutes of gratitude bullet points and 20 minutes of journalling at the end of the day.
Read a book a week is my BIG Personal GOAL of 2021 outside of regaining health. And if I am able to read the book and then blog about that book... THAT would be ahhhh-MAZE-ing! I have 3 drafts of blog posts waiting for some more time and thought to be put into them, and a long-range goal is to be blogging regularly 2 (maybe 3?) times a week.
I have so many books on Physical Health, Mental Health and Spiritual journeys that this goal supports my "thesis" for 2021.
[1] My
first book will be re-reading Brene Brown's "The Gifts of Imperfection"
because I'm going to be doing a Bible Study "Worthy in Jesus: Unofficial Study & Discussion guide for The Gifts of Imperfection" by Leah Pritchard with a
friend of mine.
[2] My second book will be: "Enlightened Weight Loss" by Linda Evans (I know the author personally and she's a fantastic friend and person!).
[3] My third book will be "Atomic Habits" by James Clear... so many people have said this book has changed their life!
[4] My fourth book will be "Sacred Pathways" by Gary Thomas
[5] My fifth book will be "The Power of Habit" by Charles Duhigg
[6] My sixth book will be "Minding the Body, Mending the Mind" by Joan Borysenko, Ph.D